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Sunday, November 14, 2010

I had no idea

Well, I am training for the Boston Marathon. I had a great first long run and today was my pseudo long run by walking. There seems to be an evil cold trying to take a hold of my body but I think I’ve been able to beat it off pretty well. That includes me not running for the past two days. I keep telling myself a 7 mile walk is fine and its still 7 miles. However, because I’m not running the crazy voice in my head is screaming at me. Something about dying during the Boston Marathon and not being able to finish, disappointing everyone I know. Ya know, the normal things one thinks about.

To be honest, I’m a bit further along in the training process then I’m supposed to be. My first long run should have been only 3 miles the second 4 miles. Since I’m doing more than that, I think I’m going to be kosher.  I just have to keep reminding myself getting a cold and not being able to do anything is worse than walking 7 miles.

The point of this blog was not to wax poetic about my cold though. No honestly it wasn’t. It was to talk about food.

I love food don’t you? Well, I’ve been losing weight and I’m kind of at a standstill. Even with all the running and weight training. I realize that this is more than likely due to the fact that I’m not eating enough. Yeah, it’s hard to imagine not eating enough right?

Well, in the craziness of the past year, I fired my primary care physician.  Something about him calling me a hysterical female and giving me a prescription for xanex kind of turned me off. My friend kept telling me about her own doctor and how great she was. As well as the fact that she’s a competitive body builder - an interesting combo for a doctor.

Finally, after a year of procrastinating, I make an appointment with her doctor and it was amazing. She is the best doctor I have ever spoken with. She was understanding, actually listened to me and really cared about what I was doing.

She also understood that while I’m training for this marathon that I need more food! I find that most doctors don’t understand what it means to be running almost every day of the week, cross training, and doing long runs that can go up to 26 miles! Because of her background, she got it right away!

Her husband, who is also competes as a body builder, trains and gives out nutritional advice. So, I met with him and now I have a higher calorie diet that he believes will be much better for my activity level. I just finished preparing all of my food and I will be starting this wonderful plan tomorrow!

I started eating 5 times a day a few years back. Yes, it’s time consuming to cook that much but you have to in order to keep your metabolism up, and to help fuel your body. However, I wasn’t even close to eating enough. I might even need to eat more but for now we’re sticking to this!

I’m excited to see what my runs will be like this week!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Genie,

    Glad to hear you have found a great doc.
    Good luck with your training!
